専任 / 経済学部 経済経営学科
岑 昕
ツン シン


2016年6月 浙江大学経済学部 国際経済と貿易学科 卒業
2020年3月 京都大学大学院 経済学研究科 経済学専攻 修士課程 修了
2024年3月 京都大学大学院 経済学研究科 経済学専攻 博士課程 修了


2023年4月〜2024年3月 京都経済短期大学 非常勤講師
2024年4月〜 神戸国際大学 専任講師


アジア経済論、ミクロ経済学Ⅰ、マクロ経済学Ⅱ、マクロ経済学特講、基礎演習Ⅰ Ⅱ、経済統計、経済統計特講、開発経済学


地域貿易協定 国際労働移動 海外直接投資


たくさん学んで、たくさん経験して、enjoy your journey!


論 文

1. Heterogeneous Effects of Deep Regional Trade Agreements on International Migration.”The International Economy, Volume 26. 44-70. 2023

[Thesis and Dissertation]
1. “Essays on the Empirical Analysis of International Factor Movements.” Doctoral dissertation. 2023
2. “An Empirical Study on Immigration and Deep Trade Agreements.” Master’s thesis. 2020

[Working papers]
1. “Deep trade agreements may not facilitate international migration: Evidence from a clustering-based approach.” Unpublished manuscript. 2022
2. “Disentangling country fixed effects in the structural gravity model for foreign direct investment: A machine learning approach.”(with JINJI Naoto), Unpublished manuscript. 2023


1. “Heterogeneous Effects of Deep Regional Trade Agreements on International Migration”,2020年度日本経済学会秋季大会, Online, (Oct. 10, 2020) (Poster Session)
2. “Heterogeneous Effects of Deep Regional Trade Agreements on International Migration”,2020年度日本国際経済学会全国大会, Online, (Oct. 17,2020) (Poster Session)
3. “Heterogeneous Effects of Deep Regional Trade Agreements on International Migration”,2020年度日本国際経済学会関西支部第3回研究会, Online, (Jan. 23,2021)
4. “Heterogeneous Effects of Deep Regional Trade Agreements on International Migration”,International Economics and Finance Society (IEFS) Japan Annual Meeting 2020, Online, (Mar.25, 2021)
5. “Heterogeneous Effects of Deep Regional Trade Agreements on International Migration”,The 16th meeting of the Asia Pacific Trade Seminars (APTS 2021), Online, (Jun. 26, 2021)
6. “Heterogeneous Effects of Deep Regional Trade Agreements on International Migration”,International Economics and Finance Society (IEFS) Japan Annual Meeting 2021, Online,(Mar.28, 2022)
7. “Deep trade agreements may not facilitate international migration: Evidence from a clustering-based approach”,慶應義塾大学国際経済学セミナー, 慶應義塾大学, (Jun. 8, 2022)
8. “Deep trade agreements may not facilitate international migration: Evidence from a clustering-based approach”,The 17th meeting of the Asia Pacific Trade Seminars (APTS 2022), Online, (Jun. 26, 2022)
9. “Deep trade agreements may not facilitate international migration: Evidence from a clustering-based approach”,The 16th International Symposium on Econometric Theory and Applications (SETA2022), Online,(July. 20, 2022)
10. “Deep trade agreements may not facilitate international migration: Evidence from a clustering-based approach”,2022年度日本国際経済学会全国大会, 近畿大学,(Oct. 2, 2022)
11. “Deep trade agreements may not facilitate international migration: Evidence from a clustering-based approach”,2022年度日本経済学会秋季大会, 慶應義塾大学, (Oct. 16, 2022)
12 “Deep trade agreements may not facilitate international migration: Evidence from a clustering-based approach”, 京都大学大学院教育支援機構奨励研究員及びフェローシップ受給者によるポスター発表会・研究交流会, 京都大学,(Oct. 27, 2022) (Poster Session)
13. “Disentangling country fixed effects in the structural gravity model for foreign direct investment: A machine learning approach”, 2022年度日本国際経済学会関西支部第5回研究会, 関西学院大学,(Mar. 11, 2023)
14. “Disentangling country fixed effects in the structural gravity model for foreign direct investment: A machine learning approach”, International Economics and Finance Society (IEFS) Japan Annual Meeting 2022, Online,(Mar.25, 2023)
15. “Disentangling country fixed effects in the structural gravity model for foreign direct investment: A machine learning approach”,2023年度日本国際経済学会春季大会, 奈良県立大学,(Jun. 3, 2023)



専任 / 経済学部 経済経営学科専任講師
岑 昕
ツン シン

学歴2016年6月 浙江大学経済学部 国際経済と貿易学科 卒業 2020年3月 京都大学大学院 経済学研究科 経済学専攻 修士課程 修了 2024年3月 京都大学大学院 経済学研究科 経済学専攻 博士課程 修了
職歴2023年4月〜2024年3月 京都経済短期大学 非常勤講師 2024年4月〜 神戸国際大学 専任講師
授業担当科目アジア経済論、ミクロ経済学Ⅰ、マクロ経済学Ⅱ、マクロ経済学特講、基礎演習Ⅰ Ⅱ、経済統計、経済統計特講、開発経済学
研究テーマ地域貿易協定 国際労働移動 海外直接投資

たくさん学んで、たくさん経験して、enjoy your journey!


論 文

1. Heterogeneous Effects of Deep Regional Trade Agreements on International Migration.”The International Economy, Volume 26. 44-70. 2023

[Thesis and Dissertation]
1. “Essays on the Empirical Analysis of International Factor Movements.” Doctoral dissertation. 2023
2. “An Empirical Study on Immigration and Deep Trade Agreements.” Master’s thesis. 2020

[Working papers]
1. “Deep trade agreements may not facilitate international migration: Evidence from a clustering-based approach.” Unpublished manuscript. 2022
2. “Disentangling country fixed effects in the structural gravity model for foreign direct investment: A machine learning approach.”(with JINJI Naoto), Unpublished manuscript. 2023


1. “Heterogeneous Effects of Deep Regional Trade Agreements on International Migration”,2020年度日本経済学会秋季大会, Online, (Oct. 10, 2020) (Poster Session)
2. “Heterogeneous Effects of Deep Regional Trade Agreements on International Migration”,2020年度日本国際経済学会全国大会, Online, (Oct. 17,2020) (Poster Session)
3. “Heterogeneous Effects of Deep Regional Trade Agreements on International Migration”,2020年度日本国際経済学会関西支部第3回研究会, Online, (Jan. 23,2021)
4. “Heterogeneous Effects of Deep Regional Trade Agreements on International Migration”,International Economics and Finance Society (IEFS) Japan Annual Meeting 2020, Online, (Mar.25, 2021)
5. “Heterogeneous Effects of Deep Regional Trade Agreements on International Migration”,The 16th meeting of the Asia Pacific Trade Seminars (APTS 2021), Online, (Jun. 26, 2021)
6. “Heterogeneous Effects of Deep Regional Trade Agreements on International Migration”,International Economics and Finance Society (IEFS) Japan Annual Meeting 2021, Online,(Mar.28, 2022)
7. “Deep trade agreements may not facilitate international migration: Evidence from a clustering-based approach”,慶應義塾大学国際経済学セミナー, 慶應義塾大学, (Jun. 8, 2022)
8. “Deep trade agreements may not facilitate international migration: Evidence from a clustering-based approach”,The 17th meeting of the Asia Pacific Trade Seminars (APTS 2022), Online, (Jun. 26, 2022)
9. “Deep trade agreements may not facilitate international migration: Evidence from a clustering-based approach”,The 16th International Symposium on Econometric Theory and Applications (SETA2022), Online,(July. 20, 2022)
10. “Deep trade agreements may not facilitate international migration: Evidence from a clustering-based approach”,2022年度日本国際経済学会全国大会, 近畿大学,(Oct. 2, 2022)
11. “Deep trade agreements may not facilitate international migration: Evidence from a clustering-based approach”,2022年度日本経済学会秋季大会, 慶應義塾大学, (Oct. 16, 2022)
12 “Deep trade agreements may not facilitate international migration: Evidence from a clustering-based approach”, 京都大学大学院教育支援機構奨励研究員及びフェローシップ受給者によるポスター発表会・研究交流会, 京都大学,(Oct. 27, 2022) (Poster Session)
13. “Disentangling country fixed effects in the structural gravity model for foreign direct investment: A machine learning approach”, 2022年度日本国際経済学会関西支部第5回研究会, 関西学院大学,(Mar. 11, 2023)
14. “Disentangling country fixed effects in the structural gravity model for foreign direct investment: A machine learning approach”, International Economics and Finance Society (IEFS) Japan Annual Meeting 2022, Online,(Mar.25, 2023)
15. “Disentangling country fixed effects in the structural gravity model for foreign direct investment: A machine learning approach”,2023年度日本国際経済学会春季大会, 奈良県立大学,(Jun. 3, 2023)

