専任 / リハビリテーション学部 理学療法学科
武内 孝祐
タケウチ コウスケ
学位 | 博士(スポーツ医学) |
学歴 | 2012年 神戸大学医学部保健学科 卒業 |
職歴 | 2014年~2017年 びわこ成蹊スポーツ大学 |
授業担当科目 | 運動器障害理学療法学 |
研究テーマ | ストレッチング |
メールアドレス | ktakeuchi@kobe-kiu.ac.jp |
URL | https://researchmap.jp/20181107 |
著 書 | ・上杉雅之監修.イラストでわかる運動器障害理学療法.69-80.医歯薬出版.2021年 |
論 文 | 筆頭論文・責任著者 |
学会誌の総説 | 1.筋持久力に対する運動療法の効果.京都リハビリテーション医学研究会誌.2018. |
学会の特別講演 | ・第4回京都リハビリテーション研究会.筋持久力に対する運動療法の効果.2018年2月 . |
学会発表 | 【国際学会】 【国内学会】 |
所属学会 | 日本理学療法士協会 |
その他 | 研究費獲得状況 学会編集者 |
講演(一般向け) | 滋賀県コンディショニング部会ジュニア研究会講師(2015年~2018年) |
講演 (研究者、 医療機関従事者、 学校関係者向け) | ・関西AT連絡会研修会講師「ストレッチングとパフォーマンスの関係に関して」(2015年) |
商業雑誌 | ・滋賀県スポーツ情報誌「ビスポ」コラム担当「腰痛予防のためのストレッチ」(2017年) |
学会の役員および 公的機関の役員 | 滋賀県競技力向上対策本部医科学スタッフ |
専任 / リハビリテーション学部 理学療法学科専任講師
武内 孝祐
タケウチ コウスケ
学位 | 博士(スポーツ医学) |
学歴 | 2012年 神戸大学医学部保健学科 卒業 2014年 筑波大学大学院人間総合科学研究科体育学専攻 修了(体育学修士) 2019年 筑波大学大学院人間総合科学研究科スポーツ医学専攻 修了(スポーツ医学博士) |
職歴 | 2014年~2017年 びわこ成蹊スポーツ大学 2017年~現在 神戸国際大学リハビリテーション学部 |
授業担当科目 | 運動器障害理学療法学 運動器障害理学療法学演実習 スポーツ理学療法学演習 理学療法学演習A・B 卒業研究 理学療法基礎論A・B・C・D 臨床実習Ⅰ・Ⅱ・Ⅲ・Ⅳ 理学療法概論演習 地域理学療法学実習 |
研究テーマ | ストレッチング 障害予防 スポーツ医科学 スポーツ運動学・バイオメカニクス |
メールアドレス | ktakeuchi@kobe-kiu.ac.jp |
URL | https://researchmap.jp/20181107 |
- 著 書
・木田京子監修「いちばんやさしいソフトボール入門」コラム担当.2018年- 論 文
34.Kosuke Takeuchi, Hiroaki Inoue, Motoka Fujiwara, Taiki Shimizu, Chiharu Nagai, Kosei Mizuno, Masatoshi Nakamura. Effects of static stretching and walking during inter-set intervals of resistance training on muscle fatigue of the quadriceps. Frontiers in Sports and Active Living. 6:1483972. 2025.
32.Masafumi Kadota, Masatoshi Nakamura, Riku Yoshida, Kosuke Takeuchi. Comparison of the effects of three different resistance training methods on muscle fatigue in healthy untrained men. Frontiers in Sports and Active Living. 6, 1497979. 2024.
31.Kosuke Takeuchi, Masatoshi Nakamura, Shingo Matsuo, Mina Samukawa, Taichi Yamaguchi, Takamasa Mizuno. Combined effects of static and dynamic stretching on the muscle-tendon unit stiffness and strength of the hamstrings. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 1;38(4):681-686. 2024.
30.Kosuke Takeuchi, Masatoshi Nakamura, Taizan Fukaya, Gakuto Nakao, Takamasa Mizuno. Static stretching intervention can prevent muscle injuries: systematic review and meta-analysis. Sports Science for Health. 20(4). 1119-1129. 2024.
28.Kosuke Takeuchi, Masatoshi Nakamura, Taizan Fukaya, Andreas Konrad, Takamasa Mizuno. Acute and long-term effects of static stretching on muscle-tendon unit stiffness: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine. 22: 464-474. 2023.
27.Kosuke Takeuchi, Masatoshi Nakamura, Andreas Konrad, Takamasa Mizuno. Long-term static stretching can decrease muscle stiffness: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports. Aug;33(8):1294-1306. 2023.
26.武内孝祐.静的ストレッチングがハムストリングスの柔軟性に及ぼす影響 ―Active stretchingとPassive stretchingの比較―.神戸国際大学リハビリテーション研究..第14号,13-17.2023年.
25.Kosuke Takeuchi, Masatoshi Nakamura, Shingo Matsuo, Kazunori Akizuki, Takamasa Mizuno. Effects of Speed and Amplitude of Dynamic Stretching on the Flexibility and Strength of the Hamstrings. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine 21, 608-615. 2022.
24.Kosuke Takeuchi, Kazunori Akizuki, Masatoshi Nakamura. Acute effects of different intensity and duration of static stretching on the muscle-tendon unit stiffness of the hamstrings. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine. 21: 528-535. 2022.
23.武内孝祐、中村雅俊.健康運動指導士のストレッチング実施状況調査 神戸国際大学紀要.第103号,57-61.2022年.
22.Kosuke Takeuchi. Resistance and stretching practice of coaches in Japan. 神戸国際大学リハビリテーション研究.第13号,37-44.2022年.
21.Kosuke Takeuchi, Masahiro Takemura, Masatoshi Nakamura, Fumiko Tsukuda, Shumpei Miyakawa. The effects of using a combination of static stretching and aerobic exercise on muscle tendon unit stiffness and strength in ankle plantar-flexor muscles. European Journal of Sports Science. 22(2):297-303. 2022.
20.Kosuke Takeuchi, Kazunori Akizuki, Masatoshi Nakamura. Association between static stretching volume and changes in the flexibility of the hamstrings. Scientific Reports. 11: 21778. 2021.
19.Kosuke Takeuchi, Shigeru Sato, Ryosuke Kiyono, Kaoru Yahata, Yuta Murakami, Futaba Sanuki, Riku Yoshida, Masatoshi Nakamura. High-intensity static stretching in quadriceps is affected more by its intensity than its duration. Frontiers in Physiology. 12: 709655. 2021.
18.Kosuke Takeuchi, Kazunori Akizuki, Masatoshi Nakamura. The acute effects of high-intensity jack-knife stretching on the flexibility of the hamstrings. Scientific Reports. 11:12115. 2021.
16.Kosuke Takeuchi, Kazunori Akizuki, Masatoshi Nakamura. Time course of changes in the range of motion and muscle-tendon unit stiffness of the hamstrings after two different intensities of static stretching. PLoS ONE. 16(9): e0257367. 2021.
15.Kosuke Takeuchi, Masahiro Takemura, Masatoshi Nakamura, Fumiko Tsukuda, Shumpei Miyakawa. Effects of active and passive warm-ups on range of motion, strength, and muscle passive properties in ankle plantar-flexor muscles. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 35(1): 141-146. 2021.
14.Kosuke Takeuchi, Masatoshi Nakamura. Influence of aerobic exercise after static stretching on flexibility and strength in plantar flexor muscles. Frontiers in Physiology. 2020.
13.Kosuke Takeuchi, Masatoshi Nakamura. Optimal duration of high intensity static stretching in hamstrings. PlosOne,15(10) e0240181. 2020
12.Kosuke Takeuchi, Masatoshi Nakamura. Influence of high intensity 20-second static stretching on the flexibility and strength of hamstrings. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine. 19: 429-435, 2020.
10.武内孝祐,小吹彩夏,告野卓馬,藤田雅樹,宮地崚太,森川真衣.フォームローラーエクササイズの強度が関節可動域と垂直跳び高に及ぼす影響.トレーニング科学会誌 31(4):185-190.2019.
9.武内孝祐,中村雅俊.整形外科勤務の理学療法士による静的ストレッチング実施状況調査.運動器リハビリテーション 30(4):1-8.2019.
8.Kosuke Takeuchi, Fumiko Tsukuda. Comparison of the effects of static stretching on range of motion and jump height between quadriceps, hamstrings and triceps surae in collegiate basketball players, BMJ Open Sport & Exercise Medicine. 2019;5.
7.Kosuke Takeuchi, Masatoshi Nakamura, Hironobu Kakihana, Fumiko Tsukuda. A survey of static and dynamic stretching protocol. International Journal of Sprot and Health Science. 17:72-79 2019.
5.Kosuke Takeuchi, Masahiro Takemura, Toshihiko Shimono, Shumpei Miyakawa. Baseline muscle tendon unit stiffness does not affect static stretching of the ankle plantar flexor muscles. Journal of Physical Therapy Science 30: 1377-1380, 2018.
4.武内孝祐,佃文子,小松猛.静的ストレッチングが股関節内旋および股関節外旋可動域に及ぼす影響.神戸 国際大学紀要.第93号.109-114.2017.
1.Kosuke Takeuchi, Takuya Hatade, Souchi Wakamiya, Naoto Fujita, Takamitsu Arakawa, Akinori Miki. Heat stress promotes skeletal muscle regeneration after crush injury in rats. Acta histochemica. 116(2): 327-334, 2013.
27.Soma Tsujishita, Daiki Nakashima, Kazunori Akizuki, Kosuke Takeuchi. Association of fine and gross motor skills with visuospatial working memory in children with autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Physical Therapy Science. 37 (2). 95-101. 2025.
26.Takamasa Mizuno, Akito Yoshiko, Nobuyuki Yamashita, Kenji Harada, Kosuke Takeuchi, Shingo Matsuo, Masatoshi Nakamura. Determinants of maximal ankle range of motion: Multi-perspective comparison by mechanical, neural, morphological, and muscle quality factors.Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology. 9(4), 257. 2024.
25.Masatoshi Nakamura, Kazuki Kasahara, Yuta Murakami, Kosuke Takeuchi, Ewan Thomas, Antonino Scardina, Andreas Konrad. Can we extend the prolonged effects of a 180-second stretching exercise by applying an additional 15-second stretching bout? Frontiers in Sports and Active Living. 10.3389/fspor.2024.1473746. 2024.
24.Yuta Murakami, Riku Yoshida, Kazuki Kasahara, Shigeru Sato, Ryoma Koizumi, Kosuke Takeuchi, Shingo Matsuo, Takamasa Mizuno and Masatoshi Nakamura. Joint position sense is not related to an increased Range of Motion after static stretching. Sports Science for Health. 18. 2024.
23.Taizan Fukaya, Katsuyuki Morishita, Yuka Yokoi, Kosuke Takeuchi, Masatoshi Nakamura. Acute effects of static stretching at different target muscles on shear elastic modulus: A narrative review. Journal of electromyography and kinesiology. 18:79:102939. 2024.
22.Yuta Murakami, Kazuki Kasahara, Riku Yoshida, Kosuke Takeuchi, Shingo Matsuo, Takamasa Mizuno, Masatoshi Nakamura. Time course of changes in passive properties and joint position sense after static stretching. Sports Science for Health. 20, 881-889. 2024.
21.Masatoshi Nakamura, Kosuke Takeuchi, Taizan Fukaya, Gakuto Nakao, Andreas Konrad, Takamasa Mizuno. Acute effects of static stretching on passive stiffness in older adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics 117. 105256. 2024
20.Masatoshi Nakamura, Kazuki Kasahara, Riku Yoshida, Yuta Murakami, Ryoma Koizumi, Kosuke Takeuchi, Satoru Nishishita, Xin Ye, Andreas Konrad. Comparison of the time-course changes of foam rolling with high and low vibration frequencies on quadricpes muscle. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine. 21: 376-382. 2022.
19.Masatoshi Nakamura, Suzuki Yusuke, Riku Yoshida, Kazuki Kasahara, Yuta Murakami, Tetsuya Hirono, Satoru Nishishita, Kosuke Takeuchi, Andreas Konrad. The time-course changes in knee flexion range of motion, muscle strength, and rate of force development after static stretching. Frontiers in Physiology. 13: 917661. 2022.
18.Fukaya Taizan, Sato Shigeru, Yahata Kaoru, Yoshida Riku, Takeuchi Kosuke, Nakamura Masatoshi. Effects of stretching intensity on range of motion and muscle stiffness: a narrative review. Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies. in press
17.Masatoshi Nakamura, Riku Yoshida, Shigeru Sato, Kaoru Yahata, Yuta Murakami, Kazuki Kasahara, Taizan Fukaya, Kosuke Takeuchi, João Pedro Nunes, Andreas Konrad. Cross-education effect of 4-week high- and normal-intensity static stretching training on passive properties of plantar flexors. Journal of Biomechanics. 133:110958. 2022.
16.秋月千典, 矢吹惇, 山本良平, 山口和人, 武内孝祐.課題難易度がバランス課題の遂行成績およびメンタルワークロードに与える影響.神戸国際大学リハビリテーション研究.第13号,3-12.2022年.
15.Masatoshi Nakamura, Riku Yoshida, Shigeru Sato, Kaoru Yahata, Yuta Murakami, Kazuki Kasahara, Taizan Fukaya, Kosuke Takeuchi, João Pedro Nunes, Andreas Konrad. Comparison between high-and normal-intensity static stretching training on active and passive properties of plantar flexors. Frontiers in Physiology. 12: 796497. 2021.
14.Masatoshi Nakamura, Shigeru Sato, Futaba Sanuki, Yuta Murakami, Ryosuke Kiyono, Kaoru Yahata, Futaba Sanuki, Riku Yoshida, Taizan Fukaya, Kosuke Takeuchi. Effects of hot pack before high-intensity stretching on passive property and stretching pain for quadriceps muscle. International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation. 28(10): 1-10. 2021.
13.Daichi Sadakuni, Kosuke Takeuchi, Fumiko Tsukuda, Takeshi Komatsu. Change in Dynamic Postural Control After a Training Program in Collegiate Soccer Players with Unilateral Chronic Ankle Instability. Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness. 62(2):238-243. 2022.
12.Ryosuke Nakanishi, Kosuke Takeuchi, Kazunori Akizuki, Ryoma Nakagoshi. Hironobu Kakihana. Short-duration neuromuscular electrical stimulation increases range of motion following an increased tolerance for muscle extensibility in healthy subjects. The Journal of Japanese Society of Balneology, Climatology and Physical Medicine. 84(2): 87-92. 2021.
11.Masatoshi Nakamura, Hirotaka Ikezu, Shigeru Sato, Kaoru Yahata, Ryosuke Kiyono, Riku Yoshida, Kosuke Takeuchi, João Pedro Nunes. Effects of inter-set static stretching during flywheel resistance training on muscle strength and muscle thickness. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 18, 3770. 2021.
9.Masatoshi Nakamura, Shigeru Sato, Yuta Murakami, Ryosuke Kiyono, Kaoru Yahata, Futaba Sanuki, Riku Yoshida, Taizan Fukaya, Kosuke Takeuchi. The comparison of different stretching intensities on the range of motion and muscle stiffness of the quadriceps muscles. Frontiers in Physiology. 2021.
8.Sato Shigeru, Nakamura Masatoshi, Kiyono Ryosuke, Takahashi Nobushige, Yoshida Tomoichi, Takeuchi Kosuke. The acute and prolonged effects of 20-s static stretching on muscle-tendon unit. PlosOne, 6;15(2):e0228583, 2020.
7.Ryosuke Nakanishi, Kosuke Takeuchi, Kazunori Akizuki, Ryoma Nakagoshi. Hironobu Kakihana.The effect of neuromuscular electrical stimulation on muscle EMG activity and the initial phase rate of force development during tetanic contractions in the knee extensor muscles of healthy adult males. Physical Therapy Research. 23(2): 195-201. 2020.
4.中越竜馬,武政誠一,柿花宏信,中西亮介,武内孝祐:整形外科に通院している地域在住女性高齢者の生活 活動量と手段的ADLおよび健康関連QOLとの関係.理学療法科学 33(2):261–265,2018.
2.中村雅俊,西口周,武内孝祐,田中誠智,藤堂萌,山田桃子,末廣 健児,石濱崇史,石丸庸介,北條達也:地域在住高齢者の運動機能,要介護リスク関連指標としての立ち上がりテストの有用性.運動器リハビリテーション.26(3):338-345スポーツ大学紀要.29-36,2015.
1.Takuya Hatade, Kosuke Takeuchi, Naoto Fujita, Takamitsu, Akinori Miki. Effect of heat stress soon after muscle injury on the expression of MyoD and myogenin during regeneration process. Journal of Musculoskeletal Neuronal Interact. 14(3): 325-333, 2014.- 学会誌の総説
- 学会の特別講演
- 学会発表
・Tsukuda Fumiko, Takeuchi Kosuke, Tanaka Shinobu, Komatsu Takeshi, Kanamori Masao. Epidemiology Of Sports-related Concussion In Japanese High School Athletes, Annual meeting of American College of Sports Medicine. 2017
・Takeuchi, K., Nakamura, M., Tsukuda, F., Hojo, T., Takemura, M.: Effects of aerobic warm-up on flexibility and isometric strength after static stretching,European College of Sport Science, 2016年
・Nakamura, M., Okamoto C., Tsuchiya, T., Tanaka, M., Takeuchi, K., Tsukuda, F., Hojo, T., Nakamura, Y. Effect of repeated short-distance sprints in addioion to a standardized warm-up routine on swing velocity,European College of Sport Science,2016年
・Takeuchi K, Nakamura M et al., Effects of different warm-up programs on flexibility and strength of gastrocnemius muscle,European College of Sport Science,2015年
・Nakamura M, Takeuchi K et al., Effect of static stretching on shoulder range of motion and pitching biomechanics in university student pitchers,European College of Sport Science,2015年
・Hojo T, Takeuchi K et al., Prevalence and Characteristics of Osteochondritis Dissecans of the Humeral Capitellum among Adolescent Baseball Players,European College of Sport Science,2015年【国内学会】
・中村雅俊,佐藤成,清野涼介,八幡薫,稲葉和貴,深谷泰山,武内孝祐.関節可動域,stretch toleranceに破局的思考は影響するか?.第24回日本基礎理学療法学会学術大会.2019年.
・武内孝祐,中村雅俊,佃文子,北條達也,宮川俊平,竹村雅俊.active warm-upとpassive warm-upが足関節背屈可動域および底屈トルクの発揮に及ぼす影響.第51回日本理学療法学術大会,2016年
・井開美波,畑出卓哉,武内孝祐,藤田直人,荒川高光,三木明徳:温熱刺激が挫滅損傷後の骨格筋のタイプ変化に与える影響. 第48回日本理学療法学術大会,2013年
・畑出卓哉,武内孝祐,藤田直人,荒川高光,三木明徳名:骨格筋再生過程におけるmyogeninとMyoDの役割 ─温熱刺激を用いた比較実験による検討─.第47回日本理学療法学術大会, 2012年- 所属学会
European College of Sport Science- その他
・科研費(基盤研究C).30秒間の高強度ストレッチングでスティフネス低下と筋力向上の両立は可能か? .研究代表者:武内孝祐.2022~2024年度.学会編集者
Editor: Frontiers in Physiology
Editor: Frontiers in Sports and Active Living
Guest editor: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Guest editor: Sports
- 講演(一般向け)
- 講演
学校関係者向け) ・関西AT連絡会研修会講師「ストレッチングとパフォーマンスの関係に関して」(2015年)
・田中整形外科「スポーツ現場におけるストレッチの利用 エビデンスから具体的な工夫まで」- 商業雑誌
・コーチングクリニック.特集「股関節の柔軟性を獲得する」(2019年)- 学会の役員および
公的機関の役員 滋賀県競技力向上対策本部医科学スタッフ
Editor (Frontiers in physiology)
Editor (Frontiers in Sports and Active Living)