Academic Research

Academic Research

The Institute for Economic and Cultural Studies

The Institute for Economic and Cultural Studies was founded in 1989. This institute is aimed at researching and investigating industries, economics and culture from an international perspective. It also aims to deepen exchanges with other research institutes and contribute to the development of the local society.

Student Exchange Program

This research project is organized by faculty members of our university, part-time faculty members, and other university researchers and experts (expert researchers) with expertise. The project period is basically two years, and in the third year. It will publish a series of publications as a result of its activities. Each project aims to acquire external competitive funds including scientific research grants as well as conducting other activities.

Publication of a series

The series is published as a culmination of activities in the third year of project research. One book is published per year. The series can be read at the library of academic information centers (libraries) and also at libraries outside the university.

Publication of a series

The Institute publishes an annual report as a snapshot of the project activity report and does an individual research presentation every April. The annual report can be read by at libraries outside the campus, including the academic information center (library).

The Institute for Rehabilitation Studies

The Institute for Rehabilitation Studies was established in 1989 with the aim of improving the academic training level of our university and contributing to the promotion of health in the community. The Institute conducts research on rehabilitation studies from an international perspective. It also promotes interdisciplinary and comprehensive research on health through interaction with other research institutes.

Project research

This research project is organized by faculty members of our university, part-time faculty members, and other university researchers and experts (expert researchers) with expertise. The project period is basically two years, and in the third year. It will publish series of publications as a result of its activities. Each project aims to acquire external competitive funds including scientific research grants as well as conduction other activities.

Publication of a series

This is published as a culmination of activities in the third year of project research. One book is published per year. The series can be read at the library of academic information centers (libraries) and also at libraries outside the university.

Annual report

The Institute publishes an annual report as a snapshot of the project activity report and does an individual research presentation every April. The annual report can be read at libraries outside the campus, including the academic information center (library).

Academic Research Society

The Academic Research Society conducts research in various academic disciplines. It is an organization aimed at contributing to mutual awareness among members and contributing to the improvement of world culture widely.

The academic society mainly conducts the following businesses.

  • 1. Collecting and organizing research materials
  • 2. Encouraging research investigations
  • 3. Holding of research and lecture meetings
  • 4. Publication of the Journal “Kobe International University bulletin” and “Kobe International University Economic and Management Review”
  • 5. Publication of “Manabigaoka Ronshu’ which publishes excellent papers among “student prize papers” sponsored by the Society
  • 6. Grant for student training

Center for Development of Higher Education

Institutional Research Center

Center for Higher Education Transitions